Case STudy
Health & Life Sciences
Tele Doctor Startup with Focus on Remote Counselling
Creating New Apps or Opening New Channels around digital Health and Telemedince areas
Case Overview
Once a part of Large Travel Company Portfolio and now owned by the bank and credit provider, operating in several countries serving over 10K+ corporate clients, provides a suite of travel solutions. The global platform caters to different user roles, and its mobile app provides real-time access, alerts, and support. Their services include a suite of travel consulting solutions; travel policy, risk management, expense control for companies, traveler safety, and more
Business Challenges
During pandemic
Travel restrictions caused by the pandemic brought about a large volume of booking cancellations
Credits and Refunds
With the large number of cancellations, there came the need to process all the refunds and credits for the many accounts
Complaints and Issues
Complaints and issues backlog were blocking the business from achieving goals
Post pandemic
Post Pandemic Travel Surge
Post-pandemic brought about a surge of renewed business travel
Credits and ReIncrease Product Robustness and Deliver New Capabilities Quicklyfunds
Learning from the issues brought up by the pandemic, American Express GBT knew they needed some improvements to their systems but also needed to delivery on these, and more, new capabilities quickly
Strategic Projects with Critical Deadlines
American Express GBT had strategic projects planned out that had critical deadlines that needed to be met while progressing with their other goals
Improve Organizational Productivity and Performance
To help achieve all their goals, American Express GBT needed to quickly adapt and improve their capabilities to achieve them
New Capabilities Introduced
Beyond technical challenges, Our client wanted to undergo a customer- and business-centric transformation with a focused approach.
Fraud Detection
Systems to quickly flag potential fraud and prevent it before it becomes a serious issue
Test Automation Pipelines
Automate testing for quicker and more comprehensive testing of their platform
MFA and Other Authentication Improvements
Increased security for user authentication
Agent Tool Improvements
Tools for American Express GBT’s agents to better service their customers and keep track of active issues
New Innovation Introduced
Guest Checkout
Ability for users to process their orders without requiring login to speed up their checkout by removing road blocks in their experience
User Preferences
Provide logged in users with the ability to further customize their experience when using the website
Error Trapping, Improved User Friendly Messages
Create a better experience for the customer, while providing them with a better idea as to what error may have happened, so that they can properly have it resolved
Multilayered solutions that would help the bank with the groundwork they needed for this transition.
Capability Review & Mapping
Enterprise readiness assessed, user journeys mapped, and user stories crafted to inform development priorities
Functional Enhancements
Improvements in the customer and employee facing platforms with an additional white label product configuration
Centers of Excellence
These were established to ensure optimal productivity and product excellence: